How will a dermatologist assess the condition of your skin?
Apart from a discussion and a skin analysis, the dermatologist has a series of other options of assessing the severity of your psoriasis and estimating how severely you are affected by the effects of the disease.
(Psoriasis Area and Severity Index)
The PASI is the most widely used tool for assessing the severity of the psoriasis. It measures the area of the body that is affected by the psoriasis and the level of scaling, redness and thickness of the plaques. The PASI has a maximum score of 72.
It differentiates between patients with mild, moderate and severe disease. PASI 100 indicates an improvement of the PASI score by 100 percent and means a complete resolution of all disease.
(Body Surface Area Index)
The BSA index calculates the percentage of your body surface affected by psoriasis – it is a much easier and faster measuring than the PASI, but it does not always reflect the severity of the disease.
(Dermatology Life Quality Index)
The DLQI is a questionnaire that your dermatologist uses to assess the impact of psoriasis on your daily life. The ten questions focus on everyday activities, clothing, leisure, work and school, personal relationships and the treatment itself.
And what about your quality of life?
The assessment of your perceived quality of life, which provides information about changes in the course of the therapy, can be important for your treating physician to assess the success of your current treatment. A survey of your individual quality of life at the first visit to the doctor may also provide guidance on choosing the right therapy option. A number of standardized questionnaires are available to determine the quality of life. A frequently used tool is the DLQI (Dermatology Life Quality Index)